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Jul 26 / Barbara Attard

Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual: Second Edition published by Routledge Press July 2020

Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual book coverThe Second Edition of the Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual, co-authored by Barbara Attard and  Kathryn Olson, provides a step-by-step approach to conducting or reviewing police misconduct investigations. The Manual’s comprehensive approach includes detailed procedures and policy considerations from intake through case closure, and discusses data tracking, reporting on trends, selecting and training investigative staff, civilian oversight, and a host of special issues that can arise with investigations of police misconduct complaints.

The Manual is suitable for both sworn personnel and civilians handling or reviewing investigations and whether working internally for a police department or externally in oversight or another capacity. It can be used as a reference guide, textbook or a training document.

Barbara Attard and Kathryn Olson are both experienced trainers in investigations and other matters related to law enforcement accountability and transparency and can provide a program tailored to your needs.
