Publications, Articles, and Reports by Barbara Attard
- Second edition published by Routledge Press, mid-July 2020 Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual
Co-authored with Kathryn Olson, the Manual provides essential information on best practices as people across the U.S. call for robust investigations of complaints against the police. - Pace Law Review Vol. 30 Issue 5, Fall 2010Oversight of Law Enforcement is Beneficial and Needed—Both Inside and Out Peer-reviewed article on the importance of civilian oversight of law enforcement, a critical overview.
- Co-authored Article “Overview of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement in the US” OVERVIEW OF CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES
- Co- Presented 2018 Final Report Stakeholder Engagement on Police Oversight for the City of Davis
- Co-authored OpEd in San Francisco Chronicle,
“SFPD needs to explain how it would use Tasers,” March 16, 2010
- “In Praise of Mediation“, Previously published in California Association of Human Relations Organizations, CAHRO Newsletter, Winter 1999 and on NACOLE Website and Newsletter
- NACOLE President’s Message and NACOLE Annual Report
- “A Student’s Guide to Police Practices”, Authored in part, edited and directed 2008
revisions and updates
- Annual and mid-year reports, San Jose Independent Police Auditor,
Authored in part and edited for the years 2004-2007 - Authored Annual Reports of the Berkeley Police Review Commission for the years 1999-2003